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Global Problem water scarcity

It is estimated that our planet has 1,386 trillion litres of water. Of this amount, about 2,5% is fresh water: 35 trillion litres. The vast majority of this fresh water is contained in ice caps or deep in the ground (2%) making these sources unavailable for direct consumption. This means that 0,5% is directly available as a fresh water source.

Unicef's report "Thirsting for a Future" shows that 36 countries are currently suffering from extreme water shortages. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that by 2025, half of the world's population will live in areas with permanent water scarcity. Water scarcity is caused by a complex set of fluctuating, interacting human and environmental factors. Examples are climate change, where natural water sources dry up due to prolonged heat. But also the rise of the sea level which leads to flooding and thus influences both the availability and the quality of usable water. One of the most important factors directly influenced by humans is the wasting and pollution of usable and safe water. When these factors are combined with a growing world population, a problem arises: water scarcity. As a result, water will become more valuable and litre prices will rise.

The food industry is one of the major users of fresh water. Much of this water is used for displacing product and cleaning production lines. It is often underestimated how much water is actually discharged. Water consumption is often not visible in a factory. This often makes it an underestimated problem.

FLUIVAC uses air as the basic medium with a small water injection for only the RINSE step. For displacing the product from a production line and pre-rinsing a production line, a minimal amount of water is used compared to conventional methods. The water consumption of producers will be reduced, which has both financial and sustainability advantages.


After a production run, conventional methods (such as water flushing) regularly discard significant amounts of product. This product is often considered usable for a subsequent process step or for selling. This means that a large portion of the total system content can be recovered per product change or production. For producers, product is valuable. With the use of FLUIVAC, product waste streams can be minimized and more product is available for sale. Recovering the product can therefore contribute to a sustainable way of producing within a plant and provide financial benefits through a more efficient production process.

By implementing FLUIVAC in to your production process, you can possible safe up to 99% of product and deliver a visual clean and dry line after every FLUIVAC run.


FLUIVAC uses air as the basic medium in the process where a small amount of water is injected into the air stream during the RINSE step. 

FLUIVAC has an energy consumption of 50 kW. In contrast to conventional methods, only a small amount of water needs to be heated, pumped and purified in the FLUIVAC process. Practical data show that after implementing FLUIVAC, energy consumption can be drastically reduced compared to a conventional situation.


We're always looking for enthusiastic new team members who want to help us reach our goals. Currently we have a several job offers available.
Fluidor Equipment B.V. is a internationally oriented company based in Raamsdonksveer and is a machine builder focused on the liquid food industry. Fluidor specialises in the unpacking of raw materials from bulk packaging, heat treatment of raw materials, crushing of ice blocks into a processable form, reduction of packaging material from juices into an environmentally acceptable form and processes such as product recovery and cleaning.

Together with our motivated employees we provide our products and services to costumers in the Food and Beverage industry all over the world.

Fluidor Equipment has a Certificate of approval ISO9001:2015
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