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The Process

WE’ve set up an innovative process

Fluidor responds to this demand with a patented in-house development called FLUIVAC. FLUIVAC is a sustainable alternative to conventional product recovery and cleaning methods. The base medium for the process is air and at specific steps within the process, a small water injection can take place.

The FLUIVAC process consists of four steps: PUSH, BLOW, RINSE & DRY. All these steps can be carried out independently or in sequence. The average processing time of a FLUIVAC process is 4 to 10 minutes.


The PUSH is usually the first step in the FLUIVAC process. With compressed air supplied from the factory and stored within FLUIVAC, the bulk of the product is pushed towards the end point. FLUIVAC controls the speed of the product flow towards the end point. With the PUSH, on average 60 to 70% (usable) product can be displaced from the production line.


The BLOW usually follows after the PUSH step within the FLUIVAC process. For the BLOW step, air is used from the area where FLUIVAC is positioned. This air is compressed and pumped through a built-in compressor. After the PUSH step, a large part of the product is displaced. However, there will always be product left in the production line. This product can often be found on the walls of the piping and in the difficult to reach points at fittings (pasteurisers, coolers, pumps, etc.).

During the BLOW step, the sucked air from the environment is compressed and pumped through the production line. With high air speeds, the remaining product is blown off the pipe surface. The product recovered after the BLOW step is often considered as usable in practice. After the BLOW step an average of 90 to 98% (usable) product has been displaced.


The RINSE is the third step in the FLUIVAC process. The RINSE step uses air from the environment that is compressed and pumped by the compressor. In addition, a small amount of water is injected into the air flow after the compressor. With this combined flow of air and water, the remaining product, left behind after the two previous steps, is removed from the production line. The water reaches the places that air alone cannot. It depends on the process whether the product is usable after a recovery with the RINSE step by mixing the product with water. After the RINSE step, on average 99% (usable) product has been displaced up to a visual clean pipework (100%). 

Besides displacing and possibly recovering product during the RINSE step, it can also serve as a pre-rinse phase for cleaning the production line.


The DRY step is the fourth and final step in the FLUIVAC process. For the DRY, air is sucked in from the environment, compressed and pumped through the production line. The DRY step displaces the remaining water after the RINSE step. It depends on the subsequent step after the FLUIVAC process whether the DRY step is necessary. After the DRY step, the production line is empty and ready for a new production or a cleaning of the production line.

Innovation Fluidor is currently investigating the possibility of using FLUIVAC in the CIP cleaning process. Various tests have been carried out in cooperation with research parties. The aim of this innovation is to contribute to a sustainable solution for saving water and cleaning agents, time and energy in the CIP process. The most important and biggest saving with this new technology is water.
Several FLUIVAC systems are currently being launched. These are working in the area of product recovery and replacing/shortening the pre-rinse and final-rinse steps within the CIP process.  

FLUIVAC, our solution and innovative answer FOR water saving and product  recovery solutions for industries

Do you want to learn more about the process? We will be happy to contact you to tell you all about it.
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Fluidor Equipment B.V. is a internationally oriented company based in Raamsdonksveer and is a machine builder focused on the liquid food industry. Fluidor specialises in the unpacking of raw materials from bulk packaging, heat treatment of raw materials, crushing of ice blocks into a processable form, reduction of packaging material from juices into an environmentally acceptable form and processes such as product recovery and cleaning.

Together with our motivated employees we provide our products and services to costumers in the Food and Beverage industry all over the world.

Fluidor Equipment has a Certificate of approval ISO9001:2015
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